Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Question: My question is in regard to the "always on" problem with cable connections and the accessibility to hackers, etc. I have a cable modem, RCA model DCM245R. The accompanying manual says that placing the on/off button in the 'off' position disconnects my computer from the Internet for added security. If that is so, then may I assume that when I am in the 'off' position, I am not "Always On?"
Thanks for your time,Hal D.
Answer: Your security concerns are shared by many broadband users. One of the most common methods that hackers use to commandeer a system is by installing a worm program on that system that will give them remote access. Worms used in this fashion generally provide backdoor access or send information from one computer to a remote computer. Your information is what you are really trying to protect. This task can be reasonably accomplished with the standard barriers of defense. They include, but are not limited to, anti-virus software to detect and isolate potentially dangerous files, personal firewalls to restrict remote access to your system, and intrusion detection software for your home PC. Many of the major brand personal firewall software manufacturers offer intrusion detection as an added feature of their software. In the end, the only truly secure computer is one that is unplugged and stored in a locked room.
To the question of your cable modem it is important to understand how they were designed. Cable broadband service was designed to provide a constant connection. This can be seen in older model cable modems that did not offer an off switch. As for your modem, if you place your modem in the ‘off’ position and some lights are still lit on your modem, then you may not be disconnected but instead in a sort of quasi-standby state. If that is not the case and all of the lights are off then, I would tend to side with your manual and believe that it is truly off. There should be a customer contact number in the manual. Contacting them may be the best route to get the most definitive answer. To ensure that it is off you can always close your eyes, take a deep breath, and disconnect the cable. This is not something that you may normally want to get into the regular habit of, but it is not the end of the world either. The modem will have to resync when you reconnect it and before you start your computer, but it is a small inconvenience for piece of mind.
The various types of security software that I spoke of earlier can be purchased at a reasonable price from just about any retail outlet that carries software. Of course, you can always go to websites like, and download freeware or shareware versions of the same similar software for free or a fraction of the price. As always, feel free to email me with your questions.


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