Q: I have two Internet servers. One is Juno and the other is Yahoo. I keepYahoo for some newsletters and insignificant e-mails and advertising.The Juno works fine, but on the Yahoo (it is their free web) I canreceive, forward, open attachments when I want but I can't write. When Igo to compose the cursor goes down to the box but nothing happens when Itype. It's a free service so when I write and ask them I get no answersand when I ask anyone else they just say, "Gee, I wonder why thathappens?" I just tell them if I knew why I'd fix it. The other comment Iget is "That never happened to me." Can you help me? I don't know if Icancel the site and resign up if I'll lose those newsletters or not. Oneis pretty important to me.Ellen-Jo S.
A: I would have to first ask you if you have always lacked the ability to compose emails or is it a recent state. If it is a recent state, then it may be the result of a resource that has been removed from your computer. If you have a backup from when the time period of when you had email composition abilities in that account, then you can try a system restore. You may find this to be the solution to your situation.
The next thing that I would do is to try to compose an email on another computer. This would let you know if the problem has to do with your computer or with Yahoo itself. If you find that you can compose emails on another computer, then you may want to try opening another account. If this is the route that you have to take then you should prepare for it. By that I mean that you should forward any emails that you want to keep to an email account until you set up another email account.
Option two is if you find that you have the same problems on another computer. If this happens, then you will know that there is probably nothing wrong with your computer. At this point you may want to open up another email account. Now, if you open another Yahoo email account and you have the same or similar problems, then I would select another free email account provider.
As you may have notice, all roads lead to you opening another email. I suggest this for several reasons. The first is because it is the easiest and simplest solution. If you have contacted the service provider and they have not responded, then it is simpler to open a new account. The second is because having multiple email accounts on multiple servers should not produce the problems that you appear to be having. I can tell you this as the proud owner of multiple free email accounts on multiple free email servers. As always, email me with your questions.
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