Monday, September 3, 2007

Q: I've been using computers since you logged on to a screen that said c:\ and I've never heard of or seen anything like this. At some point in the recent past I joined several sites including eBay, Shutterfly and Town Hall. Farther back I had joined Polling Point. In the last month the passwords for these - or perhaps the logins - disappeared. It seems to be the passwords. Further, I can't establish new passwords that work. At this moment I'm not sure about eBay, but I know the others don't work. I'll use Shutterfly as an example, but the others are fairly similar. What happens is pretty much like this: I try to logon using logon and password. I get the usual "We don't know you" error message. I go and set up a new password that allows me to log on from the make a new password screen. In the case of Shutterfly, they have sent me some offer that doesn't appear on their home screen. I go to the e-mail with the offer and log in. Nope. One provides a provisional password so you can get in to change it to another real password. The provisional password doesn't work. E-mailing these people accomplishes nothing. I can only pray for eBay success later today. If eBay doesn't work I'll simply call them and walk through it with somebody. I tried setting up new accounts, but mostly you can't cancel your old account if you can't prove it's yours. We have Qwest with a firewall. I have AVG (free version), CWShredder, Windows Defender and LavaSoft Adaware personal.
A. Hinton
A: It isn’t unusual to have password issues from time to time with one site or another, but what you are experiencing sounds like a little more than the occasional password annoyances. You have taken many of the same steps that I would in troubleshooting this problem. You have checked for spyware and changes to your system registry. If you were able to log on to these sites previously, then something had to change to alter that. Since you have ran your anti-virus cocktail, this leaves other settings changes as the leading contender as the source of the problem. Check the security settings on your web browser and firewall to insure that they aren’t inhibiting your log in. Another possible cause of your password dilemma could be if the passwords for the sites in question are case sensitive. You could have accidentally hit the Shift button or Caps button while entering your password.
You could also try to log into these sites using Mozilla web browser after you have a working password. Mozilla offers you the option to remember your password and log you on automatically. The last option is the one that you suggested. Walking through the log in process with eBay should definitively isolate the problem. The customer support for eBay is generally very responsive.